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Feed Production by Region
Fewer companies in Germany produced more feed in 2024
Latest figures point to a recovery in national compound feed output, but a further reduction in the number of companies in the sector.
Latest News
Orffa and Florates bring gut health insights to producers
Three winners announced for third Adisseo Research Grant
British feed firm fined after worker injury
Texas A&M releases research on male sterile sorghum
All US pork facilities reinstated for export to China
K-State to halt 2 innovation labs, other grant projects
TRICAPITAL Angels leads ÂŁ2.1 million investment into Beta Bugs
Study: Fungal fermentation makes rice bran suitable for aquafeed
Severe PRRS infection kills pig immune cells, study finds
More from Feed Strategy
Animal Feed Additives & Ingredients
Study: Fungal fermentation makes rice bran suitable for aquafeed
Fermented rice bran could replace up to 50% of the soybean meal in shrimp diets for less cost in rice-producing countries, study says.
Brand Insights
BioZyme Showcases Quality with AO-Biotics® EQE and Expanding Brand Portfolio
BioZyme Inc.
Innovative postbiotic AO-Biotics® EQE delivers economic benefits in layers while BioZyme upholds excellence across its brands.
Pig Health & Disease
Severe PRRS infection kills pig immune cells, study finds
Developing drugs that block the viral signals that kill the cells could limit the severity of the disease, researcher says.
Animal Feed Additives & Ingredients
Researchers question viability of insect farming in new paper
The economic and environmental case for insect farming hasn't panned out amid evolving industry norms, researchers say.
Regulatory Updates
New Canada ag minister seeks more alternatives to US feed
Kody Blois says he will work with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to alleviate potential burden of tariffs.
Animal Feed Additives & Ingredients
Aspirin-like solution may improve intestinal health in pigs
A preliminary trial by the USDA found no negative effects — and some surprisingly positive side effects — when it gave a new liquid aspirin product to pigs.
Alternative Protein
Egypt seeks more sustainable feed solutions
Improving the use of agricultural wastes in the country took a step forward at a high-level ministerial meeting last week.
In Print
Feed Strategy March/April 2025
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Regulatory Updates
Innovative FEED Act reintroduced in US House of Representatives
The Innovative Feed Enhancement and Economic Development (Innovative FEED) Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 18.
Animal Feed Additives & Ingredients
Cargill study sheds new light on impact of DON in nursery pigs
A less mature microbiome may explain why deoxynivalenol has a greater impact on nursery pigs than in later life stages.
USDA 'kicks the can' on corn, soy stock figures amid uncertain trade policy
Corn, soybean prices are expected to hold steady as traders await clarity from the Trump administration.
International Trade
FEFAC: US-EU tariffs will harm EU livestock sector
Tariffs and retaliatory measures could have negative effects on feed security and the competitiveness of the EU livestock sector, according to the European Feed Manufacturers’ Association (FEFAC).
Business & Markets
Bipartisan bill aims to preserve access to key ag inputs for US producers
The Securing American Agriculture Act would ensure the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) monitors vulnerabilities in the food and agriculture supply chains that could be exploited by China.
African Swine Fever
German study: How ASF virus beats the porcine immune system
New understanding of how the African swine fever (ASF) virus infects pigs could contribute to the development of more effective vaccines.
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